Monday, June 14, 2010

overstaid and overspent.

I got a complaint from a friend's mother (through said friend) that I have been sleeping over too frequently. now this isn't going to be a rant on why I am upset, hurt, frustrated, etc. with this comment, but me trying to figure out what is going on with me. I just don't feel very much like myself recently. I feel like I've been clingier, more interested in a few people's lives as opposed to somewhat interested in many people's lives. does this mean I'm cured?! am I finally able to have commitments?! has my attachment-phobia been fixed?!
...or am I just being clingy and needy and high maintenance and all of those things I swore to myself I would never be?

I do recognize that I need to branch out, to meet new people, to become interested in other people -- but I don't think I have the ability to do that yet because I haven't left one sphere (high school) to enter another (college), a time that seems like a natural breaking point. I am not yet worried for myself that I am needy and high maintenance. I know that I will never be that girl, but I am working on establishing a balance between not making plans (to be alone, of course) and calling tons of people to have a very busy, planned-out week (and then balancing who I see to make sure that I don't see the same person too many times when there are obviously some people I prefer to spend time with compared to other people).

so I don't quite know where I'm leaving myself. I just scratched my head, like a confused little monkey a little bit. I've never overstayed my welcome anywhere so I'm a little upset with the comment because it's a reflection of who I've become and it isn't someone I'm happy with. so, while I'm very happy, I'm not happy with who I am. officially confused yet? yeah, me too.

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