Tuesday, June 1, 2010

hi june 1st

funny how it's june 1st already so that would mean that I've been blogging for 7 months? that's a really long time. shit. the year went by really fast. ay mami.

so along with june 1st and the end of the year come a lovely bunch of articles in magazines about obesity and skin cancer. I'm not kidding, every summer it's the same thing. so I decided to write a little article about the lack of originality in the magazines that I consistently read.

granted: the two magazines I read consistently are (I'm ashamed to say) seventeen and (not so embarrassingly) teenvogue -- which, did you know, is designed to be so poquito so that it could be hidden in a notebook? supah clever! so I've noticed before that there is always an article on obesity in one of these two magazines pretty much every month (which is annoying because it's coming from magazine corporations that "pride themselves" (17, at least) on wanting girls to be comfortable with their bodies, yet the girls pictured are NOT the "average teenager" and the articles are on obesity a lot which I guess is good because it's raising awareness but it doesn't really do anything to solve the problems that it has identified...) and there is almost really nothing wrong with that (see rant in previous paragraph) but I'm getting kind of sick of reading about obesity in america. and then, to top it off, every summer (or few months, sometimes they shake things up and stick it in say in like, december) there is article on the harms of tanning -- usually it's about tanning salons.

honestly, it's not a bad thing that these are the two issues that the magazines choose to identify with and try to solve, it's just an issue when the magazines depict skinny, sun-kissed girls. there's just a little, tiny bit of hypocrisy with the suntanned bodies in the magazines if tanning is so bad for you.

and also, it's just annoying to read the same articles every few months. there comes a point where magazine subscribers get frustrated.

side note: probably one of the funniest things in seventeen this month was that on the cover there was this tagline that read: MUST READ: THE PARTY DRUG THAT MAKES YOU OLD AND FAT. this really caught my eye because I had to keep my eye out for this one, you know? so...turns out it was marijuana. two things:
#1. weed is not a party drug.
#2. not a single part of the article was about getting wrinkles/looking old OR getting fat.
#3. they forgot to mention the economic and medical benefits of marijuana. but like, whatever. you get fat, you know? can't have that happening to our youth. because so many people in america are overweight because of the munchies. ha.

anyway I just needed to mention that there is a huge dearth of creativity and creative research going on in these magazines. I know that going to a tanning salon will give me skin cancer (now caused by uva AND uvb rays!) and will rip out my corneas (now a major cause of cataracts!) and I know that obesity is an epidemic affecting the lives of many people in this country that must be solved by decreasing our intake and dependence on fast food and the fast food industry.

so let's get a little creative. if we're going to write about articles that affect the nation (specifically the outer appearance of us americans), let's try and take a break from obesity & skin cancer? they're really overstaying their welcome.

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