Thursday, March 18, 2010

the age of unseen witticisms? (or am I just getting old fashioned really quickly...)

so I was sitting at rehearsal today and my director, ned, brought his son, alex, to rehearsal. now friends, this child is really the most hyper, add, annoying, lovable (excuse that contradiction) character that I know. seriously. I want to smack him as I give him endless hugs and cheek-pinches. I'm not a child abuser, really I'm not, I just have little patience for people (children included).

anyway, alex -- who is maybe 11 -- was wearing a yellow shirt. on it there was a stick figure saying, "you on facebook?"

now. maybe it is just me, but I was freaked out by that damn shirt. this boy is 11. he has very, very clearly NOT hit puberty yet. why on earth is he wearing a shirt that:
A. says "you on facebook?" not "are you on facebook?" as would be grammatically correct, and;
B. is wearing a shirt that talks about the need to be on facebook?!(?!?!)

Here's the thing: I can forgive subpoint A. from time to time I too engage in colloquial dialect and leave out the proper question word (primarily when I'm feeling particularly silly and want to talk ghetto. this seems to be a recent trend.), but it's really subpoint B. that bothers me. I just don't think I'm ready to see kids like alex on facebook. are they on facebook? was that supposed to just be a witty shirt (that is something that, sad as it may be, I may have said -- give or take a "yo" or two)? is it sad that I would actually say it? is alex's shirt a comment on my generation -- my facebook-obsessed generation and the generation below me? am I getting old?

facebook was started for COLLEGE students. so, as facebook spreads and I grow up, by the time I'm a senior in college facebook will be available for kindergartners? pre-schoolers looking for playdates? (will that become a fan page or a group?) and why is this clothing being made for 11-year olds?! I really cannot stress how young this kid is -- why is he wearing a shirt that has anything to do with facebook?!

obviously I don't have answers to any of these questions. I can only make two promises to you (all), that:
#1. facebook has seriously begun to freak me out, and;
#2. I will never buy my future son or daughter any article of clothing that has to do with facebook. not like it will still be around, but it's definitely worth a try.

on a lighter note and diverting focus from the promises I seem to constantly be making, tonight I went to a great memorial show (for a friend, josh, who passed away last year by a very sudden and unforeseen condition) by a (very) local band, sunnyside up. I'm far from engaging in mushy-gushy things, but the concert was really touching and meaningful and really just good emotionally for people. hung out with dan post-show. all is well in the world. except for those of you who wear shirts that have to do with facebook and other witticisms you may not understand the weight of. shame on you!

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