Sunday, April 11, 2010

amtrak does not receive an ode.

pretend this was posted yesterday, for when it was intended.

currently sitting at customs, waiting. I officially hate the train home from canada. not that I love the train to begin with, I'm usually better on planes, buses, the like; I find that trains are often over-air-conditioned and not as comfortable as bolt bus. but, upon hearing that amtrak went wireless (something that bolt bus has done forever) in march and being that I needed to be home for work tomorrow, I was alright with dad getting me a ticket home from montreal on saturday. downsides? it's an 11 hour ride. there is not REALLY any internet on amtrak, they lied. I don't know whose internet I'm stealing. my ipod was thefted a few weeks ago so now I'm using my computer as my music player and it's just large and inconvenient for sleeping. I forgot my seasons of curb, californication and the office AND annie hall in the car so I can't even watch television (especially seeing how amtrak lied and made me think I would be okay because of the wonderful netflix account that has proven to be so wonderful to me over the past few weeks). pretty much not singing amtrak's praises right now.

also, this whole customs thing is terrible. it is so much faster when you are in the car. instead they are checking everyone's everything everywhere and I just want to move. really. and it's really beautiful outside (and has been rainy & gray for the past two days) so I just want to skedaddle the hell out of this train and go for a run. or walk. or skip.

last night I hung out with dan's kivufriend, micha who pretty much just showed me a good time in montreal. I mean we just hung out in his dorm room for a while and I met a bunch of his friends who were all really legit people. good dynamic. I didn't realize that you can JUST be in arts at mcgill, not necessarily fuckin' arts & sciences. well that would have been REALLY nice for someone at the information session to tell me (or, you know, the website when you apply? like back in november? that time?). apparently it's really easy to switch out though, so that puts mcgill back into the picture.

although I have realized that the difference between these schools is just the amount of hand-holding you get while being there. at macaulay it's really like we-grab-on-to-your-hand-and-never-let-go which is nice for some things and terrible for others. take for one, the dean of admissions and your adviser go over your "report card" (transcript?) every single semester for every single aspect of your life (grades, social things, internships, jobs, making sure that you're being the perfect candidate for post-college life, that whole "real world" bullshit). uh, that's a whole lot of mommy-and-daddy-ing for me. and then there's mcgill where, according to micha "advising sucks, you go to them and they make you more confused than you came in being" and apparently you just need to get really good at navigating the mcgill website and figuring shit out on your own. and then there is barnard, which is perfect, but I cannot afford to attend that wonderful, wonderful place. so I cannot go there.

so now I have to decide if advising is very, very, super important to me or if someone else hand wrapped around my throat would choke me. there is such thing as too much love. apparently I have found too much love. if only I could pass it on to everyone else. ah, we're leaving customs. only took almost 2 hours. wonderful! for america's well-being, goodbye! (or ¡adios!)

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